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Алёша, 46 - 25 марта 2007 19:42

Отредактировано:27.03.07 21:05
It's taken me several days to write down here again. Did anybody miss me?
I lost my gf(grandfather) several days ago.Of course everyone knows such thing is inevitable, but nevertheless its so sad.....The problem of the human beings,i think, is that we're not able to appraciate that we have.We quite often pay more attentoin to the things... but this things aren't that that should have been. Nothing is permanent, but the memory....My memory serves me well, and shows me pictures of my chillhood... I see my beloved gf, his callous hands... I hear his voice....Sometimes is strict... he tells me dont do something, dont play with matches, dont slam the car's door.... And sometimes his voice is soft and mild. He asks me how i deal at school, if i eat well or not...He says i shoud eat more to be more strong man...
Of course i will, my dear gf...........
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